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From Recognition to Revenue: 7 Ways Brand Consistency Impacts Sales and Business Growth

From Recognition to Revenue: 7 Ways Brand Consistency Impacts Sales and Business Growth

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In today’s competitive business landscape, establishing a strong and consistent brand identity is no longer just a creative pursuit; it is a strategic imperative. Being on brand, and ensuring that every aspect of your business aligns with your brand identity, has a direct and tangible impact on your business success, including sales.

In this article, we will explore why brand consistency is essential, backed by statistics and real-world examples that highlight its influence on driving sales and fostering customer loyalty.

1. Building Recognition and Trust

Consistency in branding cultivates familiarity, making it easier for customers to recognise and recall your brand amidst a sea of competitors. According to a study by Lucidpress, consistent brand presentation across all platforms can increase revenue by up to 23%. 

When customers encounter a consistent brand experience, it creates a sense of reliability and trust, leading to higher customer loyalty and repeat purchases.

Example: Think about iconic brands like Coca-Cola or Apple. Their consistent visual style, messaging, and brand experiences have established strong recognition and trust among consumers, resulting in significant sales growth over the years.

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2. Enhancing Perceived Value

A strong brand identity that is consistently reflected in your marketing materials, packaging, and customer interactions can elevate the perceived value of your products or services. In fact, McKinsey found that companies with a strong and consistent brand image outperform their competitors by nearly 20% in terms of total shareholder return.

Example: Luxury brands like Louis Vuitton or Rolex are known for their unwavering commitment to brand consistency. By upholding their brand’s exclusive image through consistent design, messaging, and customer experience, they command premium prices and maintain a loyal customer base.

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3. Creating Emotional Connections

Consistency in branding helps establish an emotional connection with your target audience. When customers resonate with your brand’s values, story, and personality, they are more likely to develop a deep affinity for your brand, resulting in increased engagement and sales. 

According to a survey by Adobe, 64% of consumers cite shared values as the primary reason for their relationship with a brand.

Example: TOMS Shoes, with its “One for One” social mission, has built a brand around making a positive impact. By consistently aligning their messaging and actions with their cause, they have attracted a dedicated customer base that supports their mission, leading to increased sales and brand advocacy. As a digital marketing agency in Bristol, we ensure that our brand is centred around a positive image.

4. Differentiating From Competitors

In a crowded marketplace, brand consistency helps you stand out from the competition. By maintaining a unique and cohesive brand identity, you create a distinct positioning that sets you apart. 

According to Forbes, 82% of investors and consumers prefer to support brands that have a strong, differentiated identity.

Example: Dollar Shave Club disrupted the shaving industry by building a brand that focused on convenience, affordability, and a witty, irreverent tone. Their consistent branding across all touch points, from their website to their viral marketing campaigns, allowed them to differentiate themselves from traditional razor companies and attract a dedicated customer base, ultimately leading to their acquisition by Unilever for $1 billion.

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5. Cultivating Brand Advocacy and Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Brand consistency not only influences customers’ purchasing decisions but also plays a crucial role in cultivating brand advocates who can become vocal promoters of your business.

When customers have a positive and consistent brand experience, they are more likely to recommend your products or services to others, leading to valuable word-of-mouth marketing. According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family over other forms of advertising.

Example: Innocent Drinks, a UK-based company known for its smoothies and juices, has built a strong brand identity centred around being natural, playful, and socially responsible. Their consistent use of vibrant packaging, humorous tone, and commitment to using sustainable ingredients have resonated with consumers.

As a result, Innocent Drinks has developed a passionate customer base who not only purchases their products but also actively promotes them to their friends and family, amplifying the brand’s reach and driving sales growth. 

6. Establishing Brand Authenticity and Trustworthiness

Brand consistency plays a vital role in establishing authenticity and trustworthiness, particularly in an era where consumers value transparency and authenticity. When your brand consistently delivers on its promises and maintains a cohesive identity, it builds trust with customers, fostering long-term relationships and driving sales.

In fact, Edelman’s Trust Barometer reveals that 81% of consumers say trust in a brand is a deal-breaker or a deciding factor in their purchase decisions.

Example: Koala, an Australian-based furniture company, has built a brand centred around sustainability, quality, and convenience. Their commitment to using eco-friendly materials, transparent manufacturing processes, and their “No Bullsh*t” approach resonates with customers who value authenticity.

By consistently delivering on their brand promise and maintaining a consistent image and messaging, Koala has earned the trust of their customers, leading to rapid growth and success in the competitive furniture industry. As a digital marketing agency in Bristol, we understand how important maintaining a consistent image is!

7. Showcasing Local Identity and Community Engagement

Brand consistency can play a significant role in showcasing a business’s local identity and fostering community engagement, particularly in areas that have a strong sense of community and identity. 

A good example of this can be seen by looking at the impact Welsh businesses can have by aligning their brand with the values, culture, and traditions of Wales. By doing so, they can create a strong sense of belonging and resonate with their target market on a deeper level. Demonstrating a commitment to the local community can also lead to increased support and loyalty from consumers.

Example: Brains Brewery, a Welsh-based business established in 1882, has consistently showcased its Welsh identity and community engagement efforts. Through its branding, including the use of the Welsh dragon and Welsh language, Brains Brewery has positioned itself as a cherished part of Welsh culture.

Additionally, the brewery actively supports local events, sports teams, and charities, demonstrating its commitment to the community. This consistent portrayal of Welsh identity and community engagement has fostered strong brand loyalty among Welsh consumers, contributing to the brewery’s success.

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Brand consistency is not just about aesthetics; it is a strategic imperative with tangible impacts on your business, including sales. By building recognition, enhancing perceived value, creating emotional connections, and differentiating from competitors, a consistent brand identity serves as a powerful catalyst for business success.

Take inspiration from the examples mentioned and invest in aligning every aspect of your business with your brand’s identity. Embrace the power of brand consistency, and unlock its potential to drive sales, foster customer loyalty, and propel your business to new heights in today’s dynamic marketplace.

As always, if you have any questions, or if I can be of help in any way, drop me an email on eve@fantheflames.co.uk or if you’d like to talk more about how I can help your business grow, feel free to book in a quick virtual coffee with me HERE.

Eve Scragg
Fan The Flames Marketing & Design
Eve Scragg Founder Fan the Flames Marketing and Design
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How to Use Data to Build Your Next PR Campaign

How to Use Data to Build Your Next PR Campaign

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Public relations (PR) plays a crucial role in shaping a brand’s image, fostering relationships with the target audience, and ultimately driving business success. However, to ensure the effectiveness of your PR efforts, data collection and analysis is essential. By gathering valuable insights, you can create targeted campaigns, make informed decisions, and optimise your strategies.

As a leading Marketing Agency in Bristol, we will share the  five most powerful ways we use to collect data for digital PR campaigns so that you can use them yourselves to elevate your brand’s presence and impact.

Your Own Database

One of the most valuable sources of data for your digital PR campaigns or marketing is your own database. By analysing customer behaviour, preferences, and past interactions, you can gain valuable insights into their interests, demographics, and communication preferences. Utilise customer relationship management (CRM) software to gather and organise this data effectively.

With a solid understanding of your audience, you can tailor your PR messages and outreach efforts to resonate with them on a deeper level.

Somebody Else’s Data

Don’t limit yourself to your own data; tap into external sources to augment your insights. Collaborate with partners, influencers, or industry experts who have access to relevant data that you can learn from. By leveraging their (often larger) datasets, you can gain a broader perspective on your target audience, industry trends, and emerging topics.

This collaboration not only enhances your data collection capabilities but also helps you establish mutually beneficial relationships within your niche. Asking for help doesn’t mean showing weakness – it’s often the starting point of a massively helpful conversation and relationship!

Market Research and Surveys

Conducting market research and surveys is another effective way to collect data for your digital PR campaigns. Craft well-designed questionnaires or surveys to gather specific information from your target audience. By asking the right questions, you can uncover valuable insights into their preferences, pain points, and expectations.

This data will empower you to develop PR strategies that resonate with your audience, leading to more impactful and relevant campaigns.

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Extensive Research

As an online marketing Bristol agency, we know from experience that data-driven PR campaigns require a solid foundation of information and knowledge. Therefore, conducting extensive research is crucial.

Dive into industry reports, case studies, and relevant publications to stay updated on the latest trends, consumer behaviours, and market dynamics. You’ll be surprised by how much info that you can directly learn from is already out there! 

By consistently expanding your knowledge base, you can identify emerging opportunities, spot patterns, and make informed decisions. Incorporate these research findings into your PR campaigns to create content that resonates with your audience and establishes your brand as a thought leader.

Social Listening and Analytics

One highly effective approach to achieving this is by using data to build your next PR strategy. As a marketing agency in Bristol, we understand that data provides both opportunity and insights for small businesses that save you time and maximise ROI. So by providing the press with new, compelling information that no one has seen before, you can create a campaign that is truly newsworthy. 

Here’s how you can leverage data to develop a PR strategy that captures the media’s attention and drives impactful results.

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1. Identify Newsworthy Data Points

To create a campaign that stands out, start by identifying data points that are timely, relevant, and intriguing. Look for trends, statistics, or insights within your industry or target audience that are likely to grab media attention.

For example, you might uncover a significant shift in consumer behaviour, an unexpected correlation between two variables, or a groundbreaking study within your niche. These unique data points will form the foundation of your PR strategy, providing journalists with compelling angles to cover.

2. Craft a Captivating Narrative

Once you have identified your newsworthy data points, it’s essential to craft a captivating narrative around them. Data alone may be interesting, but it’s the story you build around it that will truly engage the press and your target audience. 

Identify the key insights or implications stemming from your data and weave them into a compelling storyline. By presenting your data within a larger context and highlighting its relevance and impact, you make it more likely for journalists to see the value in covering your story.

3. Create Engaging Visuals

As a Bristol Online Marketing Agency, we’ve seen time and time again that visuals are essential for capturing attention and conveying information quickly. Supplement your data with visually appealing charts, graphs, infographics, or interactive visualisations that help journalists and audiences understand the significance of your findings at a glance. 

Engaging visuals not only make your data more accessible but also increase the chances of your story being shared across different media platforms.

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4. Develop Relationships with Journalists

Building strong relationships with journalists is a critical aspect of PR success. As you prepare to launch your data-driven PR campaign, take the time to identify journalists who cover topics related to your industry or audience. Reach out to them individually, sharing a concise and personalised pitch that highlights the newsworthy aspects of your data.

Tailor your pitch to each journalist’s interests and explain why your data would be valuable to their audience. By nurturing these relationships, you increase the likelihood of your story being picked up and gaining wider coverage.

5. Amplify Your Message through Multiple Channels

To maximise the impact of your data-driven PR strategy, it’s crucial to leverage multiple channels for distribution. Alongside traditional media outlets, consider utilising social media platforms, industry blogs, newsletters, and other online forums to share your findings.

Craft engaging press releases, guest articles, or blog posts that highlight the key insights from your data. By utilising a multi-channel approach, you can reach a broader audience and ensure your story gains the attention it deserves.

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Public relations can make or break a business. By harnessing the power of data collection for your digital PR campaigns, you can unlock invaluable insights, refine your strategies, and establish meaningful connections with your audience.

By utilising data to build your PR strategy, you position yourself as a valuable source of information, offering journalists and the public something unique and compelling. 

Through newsworthy data points, captivating narratives, engaging visuals, strong relationships with journalists, and multi-channel distribution, you can create campaigns that attract media coverage, establish thought leadership, and ultimately drive business growth.

Embrace the five strategies discussed above, and your PR efforts will transcend traditional practices, leading to increased brand awareness, stronger customer relationships, and ultimately, business growth. Make data-driven PR an integral part of your marketing strategy, and watch your brand thrive in the digital landscape.

Remember, data is a powerful tool, but it’s your ability to present it in a meaningful and engaging way that will truly capture the media’s attention. Embrace the potential of data-driven PR, and open up new opportunities to elevate your brand’s presence in the ever-competitive media landscape. And don’t be afraid to reach out to a marketing agency for some assistance!

As always, if you have any questions, or if I can be of help in any way, drop me an email on eve@fantheflames.co.uk or if you’d like to talk more about how I can help your business grow, feel free to book in a quick virtual coffee with me HERE.

Eve Scragg
Fan The Flames Marketing & Design
Eve Scragg Founder Fan the Flames Marketing and Design
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The Power of Lead Magnets: A Guide to Effective Lead Generation and List Building

The Power of Lead Magnets: A Guide to Effective Lead Generation and List Building

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Capturing and nurturing leads is crucial for the success of any business. And one of the best ways to engage and convert website visitors into potential customers is by using lead magnets. 

Lead magnets are valuable pieces of content offered to visitors in exchange for their contact information, usually in the form of a name and an email address. By providing users with something they find useful or interesting, you can entice them to take action and become a lead.

They also offer a great opportunity to give your ideal clients a taster of the value you provide to get them excited about what you do and interested to find out more!

In this article, we will explore different types of lead magnets and their benefits for lead nurturing and lead generation. Additionally, we will present five examples of lead magnets that can be seamlessly integrated into your sales funnel. 

Whether you’re a small business in Bristol or from further afield, these strategies can help you connect with the people you want to work with and drive more qualified leads.

What Are Lead Magnets?

Lead magnets are compelling incentives that encourage visitors to provide their contact information, usually through an email opt-in form. These incentives can take various forms, including in-depth articles, downloadable guides or e-books, courses or webinars, templates for checklists, exclusive access to tools or resources, or even printable posters. 

The key is to offer something valuable and relevant to your target audience, addressing their pain points or providing solutions to their problems. 

Take us for example; we offer web design in Bristol, so our target audience are typically business owners that don’t have a website or aren’t happy with the one they have. So an effective lead magnet for us might be to offer a PDF checklist with practical tips to improve their website or start planning for a new one. 

The idea is that anyone looking for those tips would be a good client for us, and by reading the guide, they’d see how knowledgeable we are on the subject and think they want to work with us! We’d also then have their contact information so we can follow up with them to build a relationship and see if we can help.

So the starting point for creating effective lead magnets is to really know what your target audience needs and the problems they’re facing, so you can position yourselves as the best solution to get to where they want to be!

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Example 1: Comprehensive E-book

An e-book can serve as a go-to resource for businesses seeking to enhance their online presence and attract organic traffic. By sharing valuable insights and practical tips, you establish your business and position yourself as a trusted authority in your field. 

The e-book can also be an opportunity to showcase successful case studies and client testimonials, further instilling confidence in your business’s ability to deliver results. As users engage with the e-book, you can nurture the relationship through follow-up emails and targeted offers, ultimately guiding them towards becoming loyal clients!

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Example 2: Step-by-Step Video

When you understand who you are targeting and what their pain points are, there’s an opportunity to create content that’s helpful and interesting for your tribe! A step-by-step video or offering a free course on video with some of your valuable content can create a valuable lead magnet that generates interest and leads. 

When users sign up for the step-by-step or course video, they are more likely to engage with your business and services as they are receiving meaningful content. You can also incorporate video after purchase to make your services more engaging for retention.

So bringing it back to us as and example, we offer web design services in Bristol (and other places in the world)… So we understand that our clients may not have the resources to manage or improve their website, and so it makes sense for us to start building our relationship with them by giving a free tutorial on how to do basic updates on their website. They then see us as the experts, and when there are tasks they’re not able to do, we’re the first people they come to. The more we help, the more likely our clients are to trust and choose us!

Example 3: Printable Poster of Content Marketing Tips

This type of lead magnet not only provides value to users but also serves as a constant reminder of your brand and the knowledge you offer. The visually appealing design of the poster enhances its shareability, potentially expanding your reach as users hang it in their offices or share it with colleagues.

By incorporating your branding elements and contact information on the poster, you can increase brand recognition and generate potential leads through word-of-mouth referrals. Additionally, you can use the poster as a conversation starter or promotional item during industry events or networking opportunities.

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Example 4: Industry-specific Checklist for Lead Generation

Tailoring a lead generation checklist specifically for your target industry can be an effective lead magnet. Businesses are always looking to improve their lead generation strategies, so it’s likely they will find this checklist highly valuable, and by offering it in exchange for their contact information, you can build a pool of qualified leads.

Example 5: Interactive Tool for Website Performance Analysis

An interactive tool can provide users with actionable insights and recommendations for improving their website’s performance. It not only helps users identify areas of improvement but also positions your business as an authoritative source in your field. 

By capturing leads who are actively seeking solutions, you can nurture them through personalised follow-up communication and showcase the value of your agency’s services.

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By strategically placing these lead magnets at various touch points within your sales funnel, you can attract leads at different stages of the customer journey, nurture them with relevant content, and guide them toward conversion.

In conclusion, lead magnets are powerful tools for lead nurturing and lead generation. They provide value to your target audience while helping you capture important contact information for future engagement. Whether you’ve been in business for 10 years or just getting started, lead magnets provide the gateway to engagement, and engagement creates the path to leads and sales for your business.

As always, if you have any questions, or if I can be of help in any way, drop me an email on eve@fantheflames.co.uk or if you’d like to talk more about how I can help your business grow, feel free to book in a quick virtual coffee with me HERE.

Eve Scragg
Fan The Flames Marketing & Design
Eve Scragg Founder Fan the Flames Marketing and Design
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How to Create Call to Actions That Convert (Including Real Life Examples)

How to Create Call to Actions That Convert (Including Real Life Examples)

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A call to action (CTA) is a vital element of your content that directs visitors towards taking a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter or purchasing a product. A unique CTA can differentiate a website from its competitors, increase engagement, and drive more sales. Here are some tips on how to create unique CTAs and why they are important to sales funnels, along with three examples.

Know Your Audience

A unique CTA should appeal to your target audience’s wants and needs. Consider what problem your product or service solves and how it can benefit your customers. Use language and design that resonates with them. For example, a skincare brand could use a CTA like “Get glowing skin today” to appeal to those looking to improve their skin’s appearance.

Make Your Call to Action Visually Appealing

The design of your CTA can make a significant impact on its effectiveness. Use colours and typography that stand out and grab attention. Consider using buttons instead of hyperlinks to make it more obvious that the visitor should click. For example, a travel website could use a CTA with a bright yellow button that says “Book your dream vacation now.”

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Use Action-oriented Language

The language you use in your CTA should be action-oriented and specific. Use verbs that clearly communicate what action the visitor should take, such as “Buy now” or “Sign up for free.” For example, a fitness app could use a CTA like “Start your free trial today” to encourage visitors to sign up and try the app.

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Why a Unique Call to Action Are Important to Sales Funnels

Unique CTAs are essential to guiding visitors through the sales funnel. They help visitors move from one stage to the next and ultimately convert them into customers. A well-designed and compelling CTA can increase engagement and encourage visitors to take action. When a visitor takes action, they become more invested in the brand and more likely to make a purchase. Here are five examples of unique CTAS:

Examples of Call to Actions

Slack: “Get Started for Free” – This CTA is simple, action-oriented, and visually appealing. The bright green button stands out on the white background, and the language is clear and specific. It appeals to those who want to try the product without committing to a paid plan.


Dropbox: “Sign up for free” – This CTA uses action-oriented language and a bright blue button that stands out on the page. The language is straightforward, and the use of the word “free” encourages visitors to sign up and try the product.

Update: Dropbox currently has a huge offer on their website which means they have updated their call to action to “Get 50% off” to focus their marketing efforts on their premium features.


HelloFresh: “Get started” – This CTA uses a unique design that stands out from traditional button shapes. The language is action-oriented, and the use of the word “started” implies that there is a process to follow, making the visitor feel more invested in the brand. It also appeals to those who want to try the product without committing to a subscription.

Update: HelloFresh has optimised their call to action to “View our boxes” which emphasises the variety and selections customers have – it’s very likely they changed this due to results were higher for this call to action on their homepage. Pretty cool, right?

hello fresh

Skype: “Go Premium” – This CTA is a straightforward, clear design that aims to focus on just the call to action. With their minimalist branding, the use of the word “paid” encourages visitors to explore what premium is all about and try the premium version of a free product they are familiar with.

Update: Skype’s homepage now features the “Download Skype” call to action. It could be that Microsoft feedback from customers that the main pain point was locating the link to download Skype, therefore the best course of action is to improve the customer experience and one element of that is reworking their call to actions on the homepage!


Sony: “Step Closer to Reality” – This CTA is powerful and paired with visual imagery that gives this call to action language more meaning. The placement of the CTA is placed above the folder, which means it’s highly visible and attracts visitors more than any other placement. More importantly, it redirects the visitor to a purchase page with a brighter, more targeted CTA that says “Buy”.

Update: Sony have stripped it down to the basics to a “Learn More” CTA featuring a new vlog camera. Just like the previous call to action, it’s all about the visual content for Sony. The standard CTA can work very well if the other elements are high quality, relevant, and tell a story without the need for too many words.


Call to Actions Are Always Changing, for the Better

Remember, businesses change their call-to-actions (CTAs) on their websites for several reasons. Firstly, they may want to optimise their CTAs to improve conversion rates and drive specific actions from their website visitors. By testing different CTAs and analysing the data, businesses can refine their messaging and design to better align with their audience’s preferences and motivations. In fact, by the time I finished writing this article, most of their CTAs had changed!

Secondly, businesses often adapt their CTAs to match their evolving marketing objectives and campaigns. As their business goals change, they may need to shift the focus of their CTAs to promote new products or services, highlight limited-time offers, or drive engagement with specific content or promotions. By adjusting their CTAs accordingly, businesses can better align their website messaging with their current marketing strategies, increasing the effectiveness of their calls to action and maximising their desired outcomes.

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In a nutshell…

Creating unique CTAs can differentiate a website, increase engagement, and drive more sales. By knowing your audience, making it visually appealing, and using action-oriented language, you can create CTAs that guide visitors through the sales funnel and convert them into customers.

As always, if you have any questions, or if I can be of help in any way, drop me an email on eve@fantheflames.co.uk or if you’d like to talk more about how I can help your business grow, feel free to book in a quick virtual coffee with me HERE.

Eve Scragg
Fan The Flames Marketing & Design
Eve Scragg Founder Fan the Flames Marketing and Design

Increase Your Website Traffic with These 10 SEO Tips

Increase Your Website Traffic with These 10 SEO Tips


Search engine optimisation (SEO) is critical for small businesses that want to stand out in a crowded online marketplace. SEO techniques can help improve your website’s search engine rankings, increase visibility, and drive more traffic to your site.

In this article, we’ll explore 10 different SEO techniques that small businesses can use to boost their search engine rankings and get more customers.

1. Conduct Keyword Research to Increase Search Engine Results

Keyword research is the process of identifying the keywords and phrases that people use to search for products or services in your industry, such as “Marketing Agency Bristol”. By including these keywords in your website’s content, you can increase your chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). There are several keyword research tools available online, such as Google’s Keyword Planner and SEMrush, which can help you identify relevant keywords for your business.

2. Optimise Website Content for Better SEO

Once you have identified your target keywords, such as “digital Marketing Bristol”, the next step is to optimise your website’s content. This includes creating high-quality, engaging content that incorporates your target keywords naturally. Additionally, you should optimise your website’s meta titles and descriptions, headings, and images to ensure they include your target keywords. By doing so, you can increase your website’s visibility and improve your chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

3. Improve Your Website Speed

Website speed is an essential ranking factor, and slow-loading websites can negatively impact your search engine rankings, especially for competitive keywords like “Digital Marketing Bristol”. To improve your website’s speed and ensure it is optimised for such keywords, you can compress images, use a content delivery network (CDN), and minify your website’s code. By doing so, you can improve the user experience of your website visitors, reduce bounce rates, and increase the chances of your website ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for “Digital Marketing Bristol” and related terms.

Just remember, if you’re not a digital marketing agency in Bristol, you probably don’t want to be using those keywords on your website – you’d have a specific list of keywords that’s related to YOUR business!


4. Build High Quality Backlinks

Backlinks are links from other websites to your site, and they are a critical ranking factor for search engines, especially when it comes to competitive keywords like “Marketing Agency Bristol”. Building high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites in your industry, such as a leading marketing publication that covers the Bristol region, can help improve your search engine rankings for this keyword. You can build backlinks by creating high-quality content, guest posting on other websites, and participating in industry forums. By regularly building high-quality backlinks, you can establish your website as a trusted authority in your industry and increase its chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for “Marketing Agency Bristol” and related terms.

Before I move on to the next SEO tip, building links is all about authority so you want as many backlinks as possible to be from high traffic websites that are related to your business. If the website that you use for a backlink doesn’t offer you a backlink in return, that’s what we call a nofollow backlink… It’s not a bad thing, but follow backlinks are much better for full SEO benefits and as a marketing agency, that’s what we’re all about!

5. Use Social Media Marketing

Social media can help drive traffic to your website and improve your search engine rankings. By sharing your website’s content on social media, you can increase your website’s visibility and attract more visitors. Additionally, social media signals are a ranking factor for search engines, so having an active social media presence can help improve your rankings.

For example, one of our keywords is Digital Marketing Bristol – which means our content is all about digital marketing! We make sure we use location hashtags, join local groups in Bristol, and other things so we’re changing the algorithm to show our content in the Bristol area. Pretty cool, right?

6. Use Location SEO Techniques

If you’re a local business in Bristol like us, using local SEO techniques that use the word “Bristol” can help improve your search engine rankings, especially for competitive keywords like “Marketing Agency Bristol” – if you’re a marketing agency that is! This includes optimising your Google My Business listing by adding accurate business information, photos, and customer reviews, as well as creating local content that includes location-specific keywords and topics, such as “Top Marketing Agencies in Bristol” and “Marketing Trends in Bristol”.

Additionally, building local citations from directories and local websites, such as Bristol City Council’s business directory and Visit Bristol’s tourism website, can also help establish your business’s credibility and relevance in the local area. By implementing these local SEO techniques, you can increase your website’s visibility and improve its chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for “Marketing Agency Bristol” and other relevant keywords.


7. Optimise for Mobile Devices

Mobile optimisation is essential for any website, as more than 60% of searches are now conducted on mobile devices. This could be more or less depending on your industry and audience demographics! So this means that if your website is not optimised for mobile devices, you could be missing out on a significant amount of traffic and potential customers. To ensure that your website is optimised for mobile devices, there are several steps you can take.

First and foremost, you should ensure that your website is responsive. A responsive website is designed to adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions, so that it looks and works great on any device, whether it’s a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone. This means that your website’s layout, content, and images should all be optimised for smaller screens, and should be easy to navigate using touch-based gestures.

In addition to being responsive, your website should also use large fonts and buttons, as well as clear and concise messaging. This is especially important on mobile devices, where users may be browsing your website on a small screen and may have less patience for scrolling and zooming in and out. By using larger fonts and buttons, you can make it easier for users to read and interact with your website, and by using clear and concise messaging, you can ensure that your message is communicated effectively.

8. Create Video Content

Video content is becoming increasingly popular, and incorporating video content into your website can help improve your search engine rankings. By creating high-quality, engaging video content, you can increase your website’s visibility and attract more visitors. In fact, studies have shown that websites with video content are more likely to appear on the first page of search engine results pages (SERPs) than websites without video content.

When creating video content, it’s important to keep your target audience in mind. Your videos should be relevant, informative, and engaging, and should provide value to your audience. You can create a variety of different types of video content, such as product demos, how-to videos, customer testimonials, and more.

To make sure that your video content is optimised for search engines, you should include relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags. You should also optimise your video file names and use video sitemaps to help search engines discover and index your video content.

In addition to optimising your video content for search engines, you should also make sure that your videos are optimised for viewing on different devices and platforms. This means making sure that your videos are compatible with different browsers, operating systems, and devices, and that they load quickly and smoothly.


9. Use Analytics to Measure Results

In addition to tracking your website’s traffic and user behaviour, analytics tools can also help you identify the keywords and phrases that are driving traffic to your site. This information can be used to refine your SEO strategy and target keywords that are more likely to drive conversions and revenue. For example, if you notice that “Digital Marketing Bristol” is driving a significant amount of traffic to your site, you may want to focus your SEO efforts on optimising your content and website for this keyword. By using analytics tools to track your website’s performance and measure the effectiveness of your SEO efforts, you can stay ahead of the competition and achieve better results over time.

10. Hire a Marketing Agency

SEO can be complex and time-consuming, and small business owners may not have the expertise or resources to manage their SEO strategy effectively. Hiring a marketing agency can help small businesses in Bristol improve their search engine rankings and attract more customers. A marketing agency can provide a range of services, including keyword research, content creation, link building, and analytics tracking, helping small businesses achieve their SEO goals.

By partnering with a marketing agency that specialises in digital marketing in Bristol, small businesses can take advantage of the latest SEO trends and techniques, and stay ahead of the competition in the digital landscape.

In a nutshell…

SEO is a critical aspect of digital marketing for small businesses. By implementing these 10 SEO techniques, small businesses can improve their search engine rankings, attract more visitors, and increase sales.

As always, if you have any questions, or if I can be of help in any way, drop me an email on eve@fantheflames.co.uk or if you’d like to talk more about how I can help your business grow, feel free to book in a quick virtual coffee with me HERE.

Eve Scragg
Fan The Flames Marketing & Design
Eve Scragg Founder Fan the Flames Marketing and Design
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Getting the Most Out of Outsourcing Social Media – Avoid These Red Flags

Getting the Most Out of Outsourcing Social Media – Avoid These Red Flags

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As a small business owner, staying on top of your social media presence can be an overwhelming task. Turning to outsourcing as a solution can seem like the perfect way to save time and money, but that’s only if you take the right approach and find the right partner to help! 

In this article, we’ll provide some red flags to look out for when considering finding help with your social media strategy, so you can make sure you’re getting the best value, and most importantly, results..

Whether you’re just starting out or have an existing digital presence, there are a few red flags everyone should pay attention to when it comes to outsourced social media management. Don’t miss out on opportunities just because of mistakes from vetted partners; read on for our insider tips!

1. What to Look for in a Potential Outsourcing Partner

Let’s speak about communication.

Communication is critical when outsourcing social media management. You need to be able to communicate frequently and efficiently with your partner to ensure that your social media campaigns are aligned with your goals and objectives. They should be easy to reach and respond promptly to your enquiries and concerns.

When choosing an outsourcing partner for social media management, it is essential to assess the degree of communication they can provide. A successful relationship between you and an outsourced provider depends on effective communication. You should look for a potential partner that provides clear, frequent, and honest communication with them throughout the entirety of the project. 

They also need to be available when you need to communicate with them, which is a problem we often hear of when hiring overseas VAs to work on projects (though other  social media VAs are excellent in this respect).

The ability to have open conversations about any potential issues is key to any successful outsourcing partnership. This means that you should look for a potential partner in social media management that is willing to listen to your needs and feedback, as well as being open and transparent about any problems or concerns that arise during the course of the project.

By maintaining open dialogue with your outsourced social media partner from the start, clients can ensure that issues are addressed quickly and efficiently, leading to a more successful outcome.

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2. What to Avoid When Choosing an Outsourcing Partner

Let’s talk about pricing and what to avoid.

You need to consider the pricing and services that your outsourcing partner offers. If there’s hidden or surprising ‘add-ons’ you weren’t aware of early on, then my advice would be to run the other way. They should provide a range of services that fit your budget, such as content creation, account management, and paid advertising. They should be flexible in their pricing and provide transparent pricing models.

Some outsourcing partners charge a high fee for setup or onboarding services. These fees can quickly add up and should be avoided if possible by agreeing upon a flat fee before any work commences. Furthermore, make sure you understand what exactly is included in the onboarding process as well as any additional charges that may arise throughout the project.

Another common hidden cost involves software licences or subscription fees. Some outsourcing partners require their clients to purchase specific tools or software in order to access certain features or capabilities offered by their service. Always ask about any such fees upfront and ensure you understand all of the associated costs with them before signing on the dotted line.

Finally, many outsourcing partners don’t provide a clear breakdown of their pricing structure and may not offer details on exactly how much certain tasks will cost until after they have been completed. To avoid this issue it’s best to ask for an itemised list of all associated costs up front so you know exactly how much each task will cost before any work begins.

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3. Red Flags That Indicate You Should Pass on a Service Provider

Let’s touch on the importance of experience and expertise, and why you want your outsourcing partner to have plenty of both!

Your social media outsourcing partner should be knowledgeable about different social media platforms and have experience in implementing social media strategies. They should have a proven track record of helping other small businesses grow their social media presence. Additionally, they should be familiar with the latest trends and developments in social media, such as algorithm changes, new features, and best practices.

When teaming up with an outsourced social media partner, business owners should look for a few red flags that could indicate that the service provider is not the best fit. One of the most important signs that trouble is ahead is when a social media agency doesn’t offer any kind of track record or case studies. Experience and expertise are paramount when it comes to social media, as there are many nuances associated with platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. 

Working with an inexperienced service provider could lead to costly mistakes and improper execution of your strategy. Additionally, be wary of any provider who promises unrealistic results without providing a comprehensive plan on how they will achieve them.

It’s also important to pay attention to customer reviews and feedback. A good outsourced partner will have solid references from reputable organisations and individuals in their field, along with positive customer experiences shared online. If a company does not have any customer feedback or reviews available, this could be a warning sign that they are either too new or lack credibility to take on your project.

If a social media agency does not understand your product or target audience, it’s likely that they are not well-versed enough to provide value through their services. 

Look for social media agencies that specialise in working with businesses similar to yours, as this could indicate their ability to better understand your needs and develop effective solutions accordingly!

4. Typical Social Media Mistakes to Avoid When Outsourcing

Let’s discuss content and quality!

The quality of the content that your social media outsourcing partner produces is crucial. The content should be well-written, engaging, and consistent across all platforms. You should be able to review and approve every piece of content that they produce, and they should be open to feedback and suggestions.

When outsourcing social media management, it is important for business owners to focus on the quality of the content produced by their partner. Poor quality content can lead to damaging the reputation of a brand, limiting its reach and losing potential customers

Posting outdated or inaccurate information: It’s important that your outsourced social media manager keeps up with industry trends and news in order to post current and relevant content. Inaccuracies can make your business look unprofessional and out of touch, potentially turning away customers.

Over-promoting products or services: Too much promotion can be turn off for followers and could result in an influx of unfollows or negative comments. Keep promotional posts limited and use other types of content such as educational posts, fun facts, or engaging questions to keep followers engaged. 

Ignoring customer enquiries: If a customer leaves a comment or direct message on any one of your company’s platforms, it is important that it gets answered in a timely fashion – ideally within 24 hours – even if it’s just an acknowledgement that the issue will be looked into further later on. Ignoring customer enquiries reflects badly on your business as it suggests lack of attention to detail and not valuing customer feedback. 

Poorly written copy: Grammatical errors have been known to ruin a businesses online presence in an instant, giving potential customers a bad perception of the brand before they even interact with them properly. Make sure you review all copy before it goes live on any platform – automating posts should also be done carefully so that sentences read correctly and without any typos or errors in punctuation or spelling. 

Rehashing existing content: Reposting the same thing over and over again makes your social media feeds look stale and risks annoying followers who may feel they are getting bombarded with the same stuff day in and day out. Your outsourced social media partner should come up with creative fresh ideas regularly to keep things interesting for your audience while still staying true to the core messages you want to send out about your brand.


5. How to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Outsourced Marketing Campaigns

Let’s focus on reporting and insights.

Your outsourcing partner should provide you with regular reports and analytics on your social media campaigns. This will allow you to track your progress, identify areas for improvement, and adjust your strategies as needed. They should be transparent about their methods, results, and outcomes.

Measuring the effectiveness of social media campaigns can be a complicated task, but it is essential for business owners who rely on social media to build relationships with customers and promote their brand. It’s important to have a clear understanding of how successful your campaigns are, even when you’re outsourcing social media, so you can improve your social media marketing efforts and maximise return on investment. Here are some tips to measure the effectiveness of your outsourced campaigns: 

Track Engagement: Keeping track of how many engagements (likes, comments, shares etc.) each post receives is a great way to measure the success of your campaigns. This will allow you to compare posts and see which ones are garnering the most attention from users. If something isn’t resonating with your audience, you can adjust and try something else until you find what works best for them. 

Monitor Reach: Another key metric when analysing the success of any campaign is reach – that is, how many people are seeing each post? Monitoring your reach will give you an idea of who is interacting with your content and if it’s being seen by the right audience. You can also use this data to inform future targeting efforts so that you’re reaching an even broader or more defined group depending on what makes sense for your campaign objectives.

Analyse Conversions: Finally, it’s important to track conversions from social media campaigns – whether that’s leads generated, products purchased or website traffic driven directly from a post or ad – so that you can better understand which tactics and messages drive results for your business. If something isn’t resulting in conversions, consider pivoting and trying something new – or dig into analytics insights to better understand why it isn’t performing as well as expected compared to other variations tested.

6. Tips and Tricks for Working with Your Outsource Team Effectively

Let’s talk about flexibility and adaptability.

Social media is an ever-evolving landscape, and your outsourcing partner should be able to adapt to changes in trends and algorithms quickly. Look for partners who offer flexible contracts and are willing to tweak their strategy as needed for your business’s success. You want your outsourcing partner to be flexible to your business needs and excited to take your ideas on if there’s merit to them!

Establish clear objectives from the outset: Prior to beginning any collaboration, it’s important to ensure that all parties involved understand what the goals of the social media campaign are. Doing so will help ensure everyone is on the same page, and that expectations are realistic and achievable. 

You’ll want to make sure there is a timeline for delivery and a good social media agency will facilitate you with timelines, if you don’t have one! A timeline should be created that outlines when important milestones must be completed throughout the course of the project. This helps to keep everyone accountable and ensures progress can be monitored along the way. 

We touched on this previously, but it’s an important one! Open communication between your team and the outsourced social media partner in order to ensure everything is running smoothly and meeting expectations. Regular check-ins should take place in order to make sure no details fall through the cracks and deadlines are being met effectively. 

Most importantly, both you and the agency you’ve chosen to outsource your social media business accounts should show flexibility toward changes. These could be social media trends that change quickly, so it’s important for both sides to remain flexible as new strategies or changes arise during or after a campaign begins. A successful campaign requires constant adaptation, so having an outsourced partner who is willing and able to adjust their approach if needed can be invaluable for your business.


In a nutshell…

Outsourcing your social media management can be a wise decision for small business owners who don’t have the time or expertise to handle it themselves. However, selecting the right outsourcing partner is crucial for success. Your outsourcing partner should have experience, expertise, and a proven track record in social media management.

They should produce high-quality and engaging content, communicate efficiently, provide regular reports and analytics, and offer flexible pricing and services. By evaluating potential outsourcing partners based on these qualities, you’ll be well on your way to achieving a successful social media presence.

As always, if you have any questions, or if I can be of help in any way, drop me an email on eve@fantheflames.co.uk or if you’d like to talk more about how I can help your business grow, feel free to book in a quick virtual coffee with me HERE.

Eve Scragg
Fan The Flames Marketing & Design
Eve Scragg Founder Fan the Flames Marketing and Design

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