5 Reasons Why Awards Are Good for Business List of Business Awards You Can Enter 1

5 Reasons Why Awards Are Good for Business (+ List of Business Awards You Can Enter)

5 Reasons Why Awards Are Good for Business (+ List of Business Awards You Can Enter)

5 Reasons Why Awards Are Good for Business List of Business Awards You Can Enter 1

You may have seen award ceremonies on TV or read about them online, but have you ever considered entering your business into one? Whether it’s a local, national or international award, there are many benefits to be gained from entering your business into an awards ceremony. 

We have been lucky enough to win seven industry awards in the last two years, and the effect it has had on our business has been massive. Because of this, we enter many of the businesses we work with into different awards all the time, and if you’re not doing the same for your business already, now’s the time to start! We have included in this article a useful list of business awards you can enter today to get you started and help potentially transform your brand image… 

But first, here are five reasons why entering awards are good business:

1. Marketing
2. Benchmarking
3. Networking
4. Credibility
5. Brand differentiation

Here’s my list for why business awards are a good way to boost your marketing strategy.

1. Marketing

Most importantly, entering your business into an awards ceremony is great for marketing and PR purposes. Winning an award provides many opportunities shout about your business, and the provider of the awards will help by providing support to promote your business and award in press releases, on your website, social media, email and other places. Awards offer marketing assets, such as badges and graphics, which can help your business gain brand exposure at a very low expense. In terms of competitors, it can help your business stand out from the competition. Sounds good so far?

2. Benchmarking

Entering your business to win an award can help you to identify your weaknesses and strengths of your offerings as it forces you to look at your competition. So entering is not just about winning the award, but you can better your business to showcase everything that makes your business stand out against the competition. 

It challenges your business to look at things differently and set new goals, which can help refine your business strategy and help you become an even better business!

3. Networking

You will know and potentially meet other businesses and professionals, which can open the doors for partnership or business opportunities. Your business will have the opportunity to network with people in and outside of your industry – helping you to build relationships with important figures! So just by entering awards that will help you network more effectively, build stronger client relationships, and possibly even elevate your leadership within your industry.

4. Credibility

Boost your business by creating an awards strategy that can help you break into new markets, or even make your presence in your current market stronger! Even if you don’t win, entering awards and getting nominated or shortlisted will help you establish your credibility and authority. This helps your customers think highly of the products and services you provide, because it serves as a third-party endorsement of your business and acts similar to a sales pitch. When a prestigious third party supports your business, your customers will recognise, respect, and value you.

5. Brand differentiation

Want to be recognised for your efforts or values for good causes? Whether it’s your green initiatives or giving back to your community, you can enter awards with the goal of brand differentiation, so you are highlighting your business for its goodwill contributions and showing your business is different from the competition. You can gain extra cred and kudos for creating an awards strategy for your business and give you a competitive edge that really impresses your customers.

List of Awards Your Business Can Enter

Entering awards is a great way to gain recognition for your business, regardless of whether you win or not. By entering these competitions, you are able to promote your business to a wider audience and get your name out there. Here’s a few to get you started for your awards strategy:

The UK Business & Innovation Awards by Awards International


This award has 18 award categories to choose from, such as Best New Business, Best Website or App, Best Employee Experience, Diversity and Inclusion, Best Green Business, Best Marketing and more!

Application is open for 2023

Chamber Business Awards


Based in the Herefordshire or Worcestershire area? This award is open to local businesses but 2023 application is not yet released. However, sponsor opportunities are now open for your business.

Application for 2023 to be released soon

Growing Business Awards


This award recognises fast growing SMEs with over 25 categories to choose from, such as B2B Business of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year, Family-owned Business of the Year, Micro Business or the Year, Triumph Over Adversity Award and more!

Applications not yet released for 2023

Women in Business Award


Are you a woman in business? This award is great for acknowledging professional achievements from women in business. There’s over 20 different categories to choose from, such as Sustainability Award, Startup of the Year, Woman in STEM, Businesswoman of the Year, Employer of the Year and more!

Applications for 2022 are still open

BQF UK Brilliance Awards


There’s 17 different categories to choose from, such as Excellent People Doing Excellent Things, Best Team, Living Your Values, Innovation, Customer Experience, CI Culture, Collaboration and more!

Applications for 2023 not yet open

Don’t forget…

Remember, you need to work out an awards strategy to get the most out of applying for awards. And if you’re not sure where to start, we can help you build an awards strategy for your business that will boost your marketing efforts tenfold.

As always, if you have any questions, or if I can be of help in any way, drop me an email on eve@fantheflames.co.uk. And if you’d like to get some expert help or talk more about how I can help your business grow, feel free to book in for a quick virtual coffee with me HERE.

Eve Scragg
Fan The Flames Marketing & Design
LI article cover

How LinkedIn Ads outperform Facebook and Google ads for many businesses

How LinkedIn Ads outperform Facebook and Google ads for many businesses

LI article cover

As a small business owner, you know that every penny of your marketing budget counts. You want to make sure that your hard-earned money is being spent in the most effective way possible so that you can see a good return on your investment (ROI).

In the world of online marketing, or more specifically paid ads, there are three big players that we’re looking at today: Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn. All three offer businesses the ability to place ads on their platforms and reach a wide audience of potential customers. But which one is the best? Which one will give you the best shot at growing your business, even if you have limited funds?

The answer may surprise you. While most have traditionally gravitated towards Facebook ads for their first PPC campaigns, LinkedIn actually tends to be the most effective for many B2B businesses with small budgets. When utilised correctly, they tend to outperform Facebook and Google ads in several key ways and can give you a better return on your investment. But not all businesses are well-suited to LinkedIn advertising.

In this blog post, we’ll break down when LinkedIn ads are the best option, and why, for many, LinkedIn ads outperform those from other platforms.

Better Quality Leads

When you run an ad on LinkedIn, you can be confident that you are reaching people who are actually in your target market. This is because, when it comes to businesses and career-related info, LinkedIn has much more accurate targeting options than other platforms. You can target people by their job title, company size, sector, location, and more. This ensures that your ad reaches the right people and that you are getting quality leads.

Higher Engagement Rates

Engagement rates refer to the number of times people interact with your ad divided by the number of times it is shown. LinkedIn has traditionally had higher engagement rates than both Facebook and Google in general, but this gap has only grown in recent years. This means that people are more likely to see and interact with your ad on LinkedIn than on any other platform, despite LinkedIn’s higher CPC.

Better ROI

Ultimately, what matters most to businesses is ROI. And LinkedIn delivers when it comes to ROI for B2B businesses. A study by G2 Crowd found that LinkedIn generates an average ROI of 278%, which is much higher than the ROI of both Facebook and Google ads. Not only that, but the cost per lead on LinkedIn is 62% lower than the cost per lead on Google. This means that you can get more leads for your money when you advertise on LinkedIn. 

That said, LinkedIn ads aren’t right for every business. If you sell products or services that are primarily targeted at consumers (B2C), you’ll probably get better results from an ad campaign on Facebook or Google. These platforms have a wider reach than LinkedIn and will allow you to target your ads more broadly. 


If you’re a B2B business looking for a platform that will give you quality leads and a high ROI, then LinkedIn should be your go-to choice. With its business focus, accurate targeting options, and high engagement rates, LinkedIn offers everything you need to succeed with your small business advertising goals!

If you’d like to see how LinkedIn ads can transform your business, but aren’t sure where to start, send us a message or email eve@fantheflames.co.uk, and we’d love to help! And if you’d like to get some expert help or talk more about how I can help your business grow, feel free to book in for a quick virtual coffee with me HERE.

Eve Scragg
Fan The Flames Marketing & Design
Eve Scragg Founder Fan the Flames Marketing and Design
Instagram Reels

How to Use Instagram Reels to Grow Your Business

How to Use Instagram Reels to Grow Your Business

Instagram Reels

If you’re a small business owner, then you probably already know how powerful social media channels such as Instagram can be for building a following and promoting your products or services. And right now, Instagram Reels are huge. But despite this, many businesses are not yet using this powerful tool to its full potential to connect with their ideal clients and bring in those all-important sales. So – let’s change all that! Here’s everything you need to know about Instagram Reels, and some ideas for how to use them to get more clients for your business. 

So What are Instagram Reels? 

Instagram Reels are short, (hopefully!) entertaining videos that are less than 90 seconds long, often set to music. You can create them using either photos or videos from your camera roll, or you can record new footage directly in the Instagram app. Once you’ve created your reel, you can share it on your feed, and, if you wish, in your Stories, and you can also share it on other social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. 

Why Use Instagram Reels? 

There are a few reasons why you should use Instagram Reels to promote your small business. First of all, they’re a great way to grab people’s attention. With so much content being shared on social media these days, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd. But with an eye-catching and creative reel, you can make sure that people notice your business. 

Another reason to use Instagram Reels is that they’re interactive and engaging. Unlike a traditional post, which people can scroll right past without giving it a second thought, a reel encourages people to stop and watch. And if they like what they see, they might even share it with their friends or followers. This means that you have the potential to reach an even wider audience with your Reels than you would with other types of content. 

Finally, using Instagram Reels is a great way to show off your personality and build connections with potential clients. When you’re creating a reel, don’t be afraid to have some fun with it and let your unique voice shine through. This will help people see your business as more than just a faceless entity – it will help them see it as a place run by real people who care about their customers. 

Keywords and Hashtags

Use Keywords and Hashtags: just like with regular posts, you want to make sure you’re using relevant keywords and hashtags with your Instagram Reels. This will help potential clients who are searching for businesses like yours to find your videos. You can do some research on which keywords and hashtags are being used most often in your industry, and then incorporate them into your video titles and descriptions. 

Ideas for Using Instagram Reels 

Now that we’ve gone over some of the reasons why you should use Instagram Reels for your small business, let’s take a look at some specific ideas for how you can use them. 

One idea is to give people a behind-the-scenes look at your business. This could include anything from short clips of your staff working hard to prepare for a big event to footage of new products being unpacked in the storeroom. Giving people a peek behind the curtain will make them feel closer to your business and more likely to choose it next time they need something that you offer. 

Another idea is to use Instagram Reels to show off your product or service in action. If you sell physical goods, this could mean filming a short video of someone using one of your products; if you offer a service like landscaping or dog walking, this could mean filming a quick clip of someone enjoying the results of your work. No matter what type of business you have, showing people how your product or service makes their life better will make them more likely to buy from you in the future.

People also love tips and tricks videos because they’re usually quick and easy to watch, but also because they provide valuable information that can be applied to everyday life. If you run a beauty salon, for example, you could share a quick tip on how to style hair at home or apply makeup for a special occasion. These types of videos not only help you attract new clients, but they also help build trust with your existing clients by demonstrating your expertise in your field. 

You can also use Instagram Reels to share your glowing customer reviews – simply screenshot the reviews you have on Google, Facebook, or Trustpilot, and put it over an eye-catching video background, then set it to a trending tune.

Finally, one last idea is to use Instagram Reels to host giveaways or contests. This is an excellent way to increase engagement and grow your following while also generating excitement about your brand. For example, you could ask people to share one of your reels in their Stories and tag two friends in order to enter – then randomly select one winner who will receive a prize from your business. Hosting regular giveaways or contests is also an excellent way to keep people coming back for more content even after they’ve seen all of your current reels.

So what are you waiting for? While it may seem like just another social media fad, Instagram Reels can actually be a great way to attract new customers and grow your small business. So there’s no better day than today to get creative and start filming those Reels!

And if you’d like an award-winning social media manager to help… Well, you know where we are!

As always, if you have any questions, or if I can be of help in any way, drop me an email on eve@fantheflames.co.uk. And if you’d like to get some expert help or talk more about how I can help your business grow, feel free to book in for a quick virtual coffee with me HERE.

Eve Scragg
Fan The Flames Marketing & Design

Click here to see our top free social media tips!

LI article header Christmas shopping Google Shopping Ads

Get Your E-Commerce Business Ready for Christmas with Google Shopping Ads

Get Your E-Commerce Business Ready for Christmas with Google Shopping Ads

LI article header Christmas shopping Google Shopping Ads

Are your Google Shopping Ads primed and ready to go? Yes, it might still seem like a way off, but if you’re a business owner in most sectors, by now, you’re hopefully already in the thick of preparations for the holiday season. If you’re running an e-commerce business, that means getting your inventory in order, sprucing up your website, and making sure your shipping process is running like a well-oiled machine. But there’s one other crucial piece of the puzzle: your advertising. You need to make sure your potential customers can actually find your site when they’re searching for holiday gifts. And that’s where PPC campaigns such as Google Shopping Ads come in.

Google Shopping Ads are a type of paid advertisement that appears in Google search results. They include a product image, price, and store name, and they’re designed to entice searchers to click through and make a purchase. In the run-up to Christmas, shoppers are searching for gifts more frequently than at any other time of year, which means this is the perfect time to give Google Shopping Ads a try.


How Google Shopping Ads Work

Google Shopping Ads work by pulling information—including product images, prices, and descriptions—directly from your website or product feed. You then bidding on keywords that you think potential customers will use when searching for products like yours. When someone searches for one of those keywords, your ad may appear in the search results. If the shopper clicks on your ad, they’ll be taken directly to the relevant product page on your site. 


Why You Should Use Google Shopping Ads This Christmas

Google Shopping Ads are an incredibly effective way to reach holiday shoppers who are actively searching for gifts. They’re also very easy to set up; you can be up and running in just a few hours. And unlike other types of paid advertising, such as Facebook ads or Google display ads, you only pay when someone actually clicks on your ad. So if no one clicks on your ad, you won’t spend a dime. 

Getting started with Google Shopping Ads starts with creating a Merchant Center account for your business, and uploading your product data. Then create a campaign in Google Ads and start bidding on relevant keywords. If you need help getting started, there are plenty of tutorials and support resources available online, or our Google Shopping experts at Fan The Flames Marketing & Design are always happy to assist! 


Ready to get started?

Now is the perfect time to get started so that you don’t miss out on sales, and are ready and running Google Shopping Ads to reach holiday shoppers who are actively looking for gifts online. Not only are they an effective way to reach potential customers, but they’re also very easy to set up and manage. So if you’re not already using them, this is the year to give them a try!

As always, I hope you found this article helpful, and if you have any questions or would like some help making sure your Google Shopping Ads hit the mark, send me a WhatsApp message to 07747740760 or drop me an email at eve@fantheflames.co.uk. And if you’d like to get some expert help or talk more about how I can help your business grow, feel free to book in for a quick virtual coffee with me HERE.

Eve Scragg
Fan The Flames Marketing & Design
high quality leads

How to Generate High-Quality Leads for Your Business Using Facebook Groups

How to Generate High-Quality Leads for Your Business Using Facebook Groups

high quality leads
Whatever you might feel about Facebook, or Meta as it’s now become, and the controversies surrounding it, there is no doubt that it remains one of the most effective platforms available for putting your products and services in front of your target audience.
It has over 2.6 billion active users, and amongst them, there are masses of potential customers who are looking for exactly what you have to offer.
What is more, the social media behemoth offers many features and resources that can help you connect with a receptive audience, and build your list, and directly promote what you do. And one of the best them is through Facebook Groups.
Facebook Groups allows you to focus on a niche-specific community with a high potential for repeat sales. You can also have complete control over who to accept and what members can and cannot do.

Facebook Groups can be a game-changer when it comes to your lead-generation efforts for many reasons. Here are some of them.

Use the Information from Onboarding Questions

At the core of an effective and productive lead-generation campaign is access to key user information. With Facebook Groups’ “Ask Pending Members Questions” feature, you can collect valuable details that will make it easier for you to reach out to potential customers.
There are two ways that you can leverage this feature. First is the more direct approach of asking outright for user information like their email addresses. The second is the more “diplomatic” method. For instance, you can ask users if they want a free resource that helps them with their major pain points, then ask for their email address so you can send it to them.

Either way, you will gain a vital piece of information that you can use to generate high-quality leads, and with new members answering these entry questions daily, your email list will rapidly start to grow.

You might also want to use these entry questions to ask them what type of business they’re in, and what their greatest struggles are in their businesses currently for example, to give you useful information with which you can start your interactions with them and see if they’re a good fit for your services.

Mention Links in Group Posts

One of the many good things about Facebook Groups is that it is a great environment for conversations among members. It will give you countless opportunities to mention links and bring people to one of your landing pages.
However, it is important not to seem too eager to the point of being spammy. For instance, you can post a link to one of your products if it offers a perfect solution to a user’s problem.

Include Links in Image Descriptions

Being a close-knit community, Facebook Groups members generally trust each other. Whenever they see images posted within the Group, they are more likely to show support by leaving comments and even sharing these posts with the general public.
You can use this to your advantage by including links to your landing pages in the image descriptions. By doing this, users can access the download link each time they click on an image.
What makes this even more effective is that images are inherently better at generating more engagement, which means that they are already predisposed to click on an image and land on one of your pages in the first place.

Post Welcome Messages for New Members

Make sure that you connect with new members right away by regularly posting welcome messages. Also, check-in with previous welcome posts so you do not lose key user information. You can use this opportunity to lay the ground rules to make everyone feel safe and accepted. You can also point newcomers to helpful resources that are popular among old members.
However, be mindful about what you post as most groups do not allow activities that directly promote brands.
A good strategy is to identify their pain points with probing questions, offer helpful advice, then transition to your products or services in a private chat, if the user allows it.

As always, if you have any questions, or if I can be of help in any way, drop me an email on eve@fantheflames.co.uk. And if you’d like to get some expert help or talk more about how I can help your business grow, feel free to book in for a quick virtual coffee with me HERE.

Eve Scragg
Fan The Flames Marketing & Design
strengthen brand

A Helpful Guide on How To Strengthen Your Brand’s Online Presence

A Helpful Guide on How To Strengthen Your Brand’s Online Presence

strengthen brand

We continually advance into an era where digital technology is ingrained in everyone’s lives, including businesses. It’s no surprise that your online presence could make or break your brand’s position in the industry.

How does one gain interest from potential consumers? There is no set formula for this as marketing strategies vary from business to business. Brands tend to focus their plans based on their goals. Whether you want to be known for your awesome web design or attract consumers through your content, building a strong web presence has its advantages. Create effective marketing strategies to include in your 2022 business plans to strengthen your online presence by applying these tips.

1. Make a lasting impression through your web design.

As much as social media helps spread the word about your brand, having a website that contains comprehensive details about your products or services changes things. An impressive website should be easy on the eyes, user-friendly, and can drive conversion results. Let your consumers experience a pleasant engagement through your excellent web design.

2. Your social media strategy matters more than you think.

Almost every person who has access to the Internet uses social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and many more. Keep in mind that your social media strategy focus should not end with just being active on your accounts. Pay attention to posting times, content calendars, SEO, etc., which are factors to consider to ensure a better online presence.

3. Put extra effort into media production.

Social media these days, including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn, are media-driven. Therefore, it is important to incorporate strong media visual production into your strategies. In addition, consumers tend to be intrigued with strong video, photo, or graphic design content.

4. Step up your marketing strategies through paid ads.

With the help of online advertising, possibilities for marketing have become endless. A strong online presence could be your first step but engaging with paid advertising to grow your brand’s visibility is a game-changer.

5. A good SEO strategy never fails.

Search engine results affect both consumers and marketers. Consumers turn to relevant results when they need help in looking up something. Meanwhile, a higher ranking in the search results is what every business is aiming for. SEO is a technique to make it happen. A reliable SEO strategy can online presence and make your website rank better in searches to result in more traffic and driving in sales.

These tips may be general but remember that every business is unique. Sometimes it works; other times, it doesn’t. In building your online presence using these pointers to work, align it properly with your business objectives and goals.

As always, if you have any questions, or if I can be of help in any way, drop me an email on eve@fantheflames.co.uk. And if you’d like to get some expert help or talk more about how I can help your business grow, feel free to book in for a quick virtual coffee with me HERE.

Eve Scragg
Fan The Flames Marketing & Design

6 Powerful Strategies to Build Your Email List

6 Powerful Strategies to Build Your Email List

For any business, large or small, building an email list from which you can directly market your services to a warm, interested audience is definitely a must. This is one of your best opportunities to reach out to your audience and develop long-term relationships with them. In fact, email is one of the core time-proven marketing strategies that, used correctly, can drive as much revenue for your business as the combined efforts of social media and websites. It is undoubtedly one of the smartest things you can do to start and grow your business, so why not start today?
Given these promising features and benefits of creating an email list, the real challenge is on how you are going to make it happen, how you are going to capitalise on it, and build it up to make sure that it effectively serves its purpose of creating revenue, financial growth, and freedom for you and your business. Here are some of the most powerful ways you should consider in building your email list.

1. Get to know exactly who your audience is

While you should ideally be aiming to grow your email list to numbers like six to seven digits or even more, you want to remember that not all of those people might share the interest and enthusiasm in what you do. Having just anyone on your list is not going to do you any favours. You need to target a specific kind of audience that would be interested in your services – the ones who your services are designed to help. Imagine you’ve got thousands of subscribers, yet only 5% of them show interest in your business. Your grand number of subscribers here can technically and practically be deemed almost useless. In other words, remember that you are not just building a list for the sake of building a list.
Instead, your build efforts should be focused on getting email sign-ups from a specific kind of audience – your ideal clients. Focus on who you are trying to help and what their traits are. Through this, you will become very closely acquainted with the problems they face, their wants, and their needs. This information should lead your marketing strategy and messaging too, so spend time really getting to know your ideal customer.

2.Make use of free tools and software

Using good software for your email list and CRM can make things easy and ensure success in
your email marketing campaigns. This is something that you need to keep in mind especially if
you want to automate your email marketing – and you 100% should in many areas! When you
promote your email list through your website or on any social media platform, you want to make
sure that the process of subscribing is super easy, to the extent that it can only be done a few
clicks and inputting the minimum amount of data necessary. Never overwhelm your target
audience with a complicated process of getting into your email list, or ask for any info from them
that is not 100% essential, because the more you ask, the less likely they are to complete your
opt-in process.

With the right platforms, as the business owner, the process of creating and sending information to your audience shouldn’t be taxing. You need to balance the features they offer, such as sign up or landing pages and automations with the ease of use, automation features, and costs when choosing your email marketing service provider. Taking note of this one decision can extremely impact your business.

With the right platforms, as the business owner, the process of creating and sending information to your audience shouldn’t be taxing. You need to balance the features they offer, such as sign up or landing pages and automations with the ease of use, automation features, and costs when choosing your email marketing service provider. Taking note of this one decision can extremely impact your business.

3. Create content that sparks engagement

Creating content on a regular basis is one of the best ways to build your email list. But what does viral content mean, and what can that do for you? Viral content means that the information you are creating excites and engages your subscribers, to the extent where they want to share it on your behalf.
To achieve this, not only does it have to be relevant to the people on your list, but it should also sound and appear appealing to them, add value, help them with their problems, or entertain. If this happens, people will share it, making your email list widely exposed to sign-ups outside of your usual reach.

4.Provide email content options

With all the best intentions and content in the world, there is of course always a probability that not all of your emails will be opened and not all of your audience will see an article coming from your business. So by adding alternate options for consuming your content and repurposing it into different formats, you create a contingency plan for if and when this happens within your email list, so your effort isn’t wasted. It’s generally smart to have a few different options along with the main content that you provide to hit important messages home.
This is also the right time to integrate your giveaways, discounts, or free tools and resources. No one wants to give up their data for free, so by offering different freebies (or lead magnets as they’re generally known) that they need to sign up to your list to access, you offer a fair exchange. You get their data, they get a free tool, which also demonstrates the quality of what you do and gets them excited about working with you. Everyone’s a winner!

5.Build your list with a website pop-up

It cannot be denied that using pop-ups the right way gives an excellent conversion rate to help quickly build your list. As it’s shown on your website, it’s already going to people who are interested in what you do, and quickly grabs their attention. But you need to be careful with your use of popups, as they should adhere to Google’s interstitial ad guidelines in order to avoid their penalties. Also, do a little research on what’s working for your competitors, and what carrots they’re dangling, to help you select the type of pop-ups and overlays to substantially grow your email list.
A great email welcome pop-up is your way of greeting your visitors to the website, mostly within the first 15 seconds of them settling on the landing page. That is the most crucial email sign-up opportunity, and one that you certainly do not want to take for granted. You can maximise this time by offering discounts, sales notifications, content upgrades, squeeze pages, and other value exchange forms. You can likewise include gamification forms like quizzes, tests, surveys, spin-to-win, and scratch cards to make things more fun and encourage sign ups.
But more than anything, you need to make it appear as simple as possible. The simplest way is just to ask them to enter an email address, no more, no less. That means that you should minimise the clicks it takes to subscribe. The rule of thumb is that the more simple your opt-in form in terms of the data it collects, the more likely someone is going to subscribe, so don’t ask them for any details that aren’t 100% essential. Similarly, the fewer steps between a consumer being interested and them subscribing helps you grow.

6.Build your tribe with loyalty and referral programmes

If you intend to build your email list, it’s important to remember that your existing subscribers can greatly help you. How do you get them to do this? Give them incentives or rewards. In one way or another, you are assured that your customers will continue to avail of your services, for every day, they will be looking forward to receiving rewards from your business. But it is necessary that when this happens, it is easy to sign up, and the benefits are really noteworthy. These can include sales, gifts, events, content, and more, which are made relative to their personal experience.
Then, utilise the power of word-of-mouth marketing. You provide even more rewards to your consistent subscribers by referring to your products and services. Studies show that people are more inclined to trust recommendations from friends and family than brand communications.
Your customers can get rewards by successfully referring new people to sign up to your email list, and becoming part of your growing business.

Following these tips and strategies guarantees significant growth for your list and business, so long as you put in the effort to make it happen. Building a great email list to drive revenue and repeat purchases can be challenging, but with the right intention and focus, coupled with
strategic marketing abilities, your business is one step closer to becoming the next big success in your sector.

As always, if you have any questions, or if I can be of help in any way, drop me an email on eve@fantheflames.co.uk. And if you’d like to get some expert help or talk more about how I can help your business grow, feel free to book in for a quick virtual coffee with me HERE.

Eve Scragg
Fan The Flames Marketing & Design

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