facebook marketing

Utilise Facebook Advertising’s Potential for Your SME’s Growth

As an innovative and results-oriented, full-service design and marketing agency, we are committed to helping SME owners, particularly my fellow female entrepreneurs, to thrive in a competitive landscape. With a wide range of marketing channels at your disposal, one powerful platform you simply cannot afford to overlook is Facebook advertising. With more than 2.8 billion monthly active users and a highly targeted advertising system, Facebook offers a unique opportunity for SMEs to connect with potential customers, increase brand visibility, and drive business growth.

In this article, we will delve into the world of Facebook advertising and provide practical advice, examples, and step-by-step instructions on how to do it successfully. Stay tuned for invaluable insights and practical know-how to confidently navigate and maximise the potential of Facebook advertising for your SME. So, join us as we guide you through this essential marketing channel, empowering you to embrace the immense opportunities for growth and success that Facebook advertising can deliver to SMEs in the UK market and beyond.

Mastering Facebook Advertising for SMEs: Strategies and Best Practices for Success

Understanding Facebook’s Advertising System

Before diving into Facebook advertising, it’s essential to familiarise yourself with the basics:

1. Business Manager: Start by setting up a Business Manager account, which allows you to manage multiple ad accounts, pages, and team members under one roof.

2. Ads Manager: This is the primary interface where you’ll create, manage, and analyse your Facebook ad campaigns. Familiarise yourself with the dashboard and various features to ensure you navigate it with ease.

3. Facebook Ad Objectives: When creating a new ad campaign, you must choose an objective that aligns with your desired outcome, such as brand awareness, conversions, or lead generation.

Defining Your Target Audience

Target the right audience for your ads by leveraging Facebook’s comprehensive targeting options:

1. Core Audiences: Define your audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviours. For example, you can target female homeowners aged 30-45 interested in home improvement.

2. Custom Audiences: Upload your customer contact list or leverage website, app, or engagement data to target people who have already interacted with your business.

3. Lookalike Audiences: Reach potential customers who resemble your existing audience, making it easier to find people similar to your current customers.

Crafting Compelling Ad Creative

For your Facebook ads to succeed, creating engaging ad creatives is crucial. Follow these best practices:

1. High-Quality Images: Choose eye-catching visuals that effectively communicate your message and adhere to Facebook’s guidelines, such as a 1200×628-pixel resolution and 20% text rule.

2. Engaging Ad Copy: Write persuasive and value-driven ad copy that captures your audience’s attention. Use benefit-driven headlines, concise descriptions, and a strong call-to-action (CTA).

3. Clear Calls-to-Action: Make it easy for users to take the next step by including a clear, visually prominent CTA button that compels them to click.

4. Mobile-Friendly Formats: Ensure your ads are optimised for mobile devices, as the majority of Facebook users access the platform from their smartphones.

Setting Your Ad Budget and Schedule

Allocating a suitable budget and schedule for your Facebook ads is fundamental for optimal results:

1. Set Your Daily or Lifetime Budget: Decide whether you want to spend a specific amount daily or allocate a fixed budget for the entire campaign duration.

2. Choose a Bid Strategy: Select between the lowest cost (automatic bidding) or target cost (manual bidding with a target cost per action). For beginners, the lowest cost option is advisable to familiarise with Facebook’s bidding system.

3. Schedule Your Ads: You can either run your ads continuously or select a specific start and end date. Experiment with ad scheduling and consider dayparting (running ads during specific hours) when your target audience is most likely to be active.

Measuring and Optimising Your Ad Campaigns

Monitoring your campaigns and making necessary adjustments are key to maximising efficiency and return on investment:

1. Performance Metrics: Focus on essential metrics like reach, impressions, click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and cost per click (CPC). Analyse these data points regularly to understand which ads perform best and allocate your budget wisely.

2. Test Various Ad Elements: A/B testing (aka split testing) is vital for successful Facebook advertising. Test different ad creatives, headlines, and target audiences to pinpoint winning combinations.

3. Adjust Targeting and Bidding Strategies: Be prepared to make adjustments to your audience targeting and bidding strategies based on performance data. This could involve narrowing or broadening your target audience or adjusting your bid caps for better results.

4. Use Facebook Ad Insights: Leverage Facebook’s Ad Insights tool to gain in-depth insights and actionable information on your campaigns. Spot trends, identify areas for improvement, and understand your audience’s preferences.


Facebook advertising offers small and medium-sized businesses exceptional opportunities to reach their target audiences, boost brand visibility, and drive growth. By demystifying the advertising system, defining your target audience, crafting engaging ad creatives, setting an appropriate budget and schedule, and measuring and optimising your campaigns, you’ll be well on the way to maximising Facebook’s advertising potential for your SME.

We hope you find this guide useful, and if you need a hand growing your following on social media or getting better results from your paid ads campaigns, feel free to reach out through our social channels or to eve@fantheflames.co.uk – we’re here to help! Contact our team of Facebook Ads specialists to learn more about our services. 


Unlocking LinkedIn Ads Potential: A Comprehensive Guide for Small Businesses

LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, offers a treasure trove of opportunities for small businesses seeking growth and success. With over 774 million users worldwide, LinkedIn Ads provide an ideal platform to reach highly-targeted, professional audiences, delivering powerful results for your marketing efforts. 

This comprehensive guide will discuss the potential of LinkedIn Ads for small businesses, covering essential aspects such as campaign creation, targeting options, ad formats, and optimisation techniques.

Join us as we delve into the world of LinkedIn advertising, exploring the unique features that set it apart from other social media platforms. You’ll learn how to create and optimise LinkedIn Ads campaigns to maximise your small business’s visibility, engagement, and return on investment. 

We’ll also take you through how to develop your small business marketing strategy with the untapped potential of LinkedIn Ads and pave the way to success for your business.

1. Setting Up Your LinkedIn Ads Campaign: Choose the Right Objective

To begin your journey with LinkedIn Ads, navigate to LinkedIn Campaign Manager (https://www.linkedin.com/campaignmanager/accounts) and create a new campaign. LinkedIn offers various campaign objectives to choose from, ensuring your ads align with your specific marketing goals. Here are your options:

– Brand Awareness: Increase visibility and awareness of your brand.

– Website Visits: Direct users to your website or landing page.

– Engagement: Encourage users to interact with your content, including likes, comments, and shares.

– Video Views: Drive views for your video content.

– Lead Generation: Collect leads directly through LinkedIn using pre-filled forms.

– Website Conversions: Focus on specific actions users take on your site, such as sign-ups or purchases.

– Job Applicants: Drive applications for job openings in your small business.

Select the objective most relevant to your small business goals, and move on to crafting your target audience.

2. Targeting Options: Reach Your Ideal Prospects

LinkedIn’s advanced targeting options enable you to display ads to the most relevant professionals, boosting engagement and conversion rates. Consider utilising the following targeting criteria:

– Location: Target users based on their geographical location, focusing on areas where your small business operates or where your target audience resides.

– Company: Reach individuals working at specific companies, or filter by company size, industry, or other attributes.

– Job Experience: Target users based on their current or past job titles, job functions, or years of experience.

– Education: Show your ads to users with specific educational backgrounds, fields of study, or degrees.

– Interests: Display your ads to users who have demonstrated interests in specific topics or who follow relevant LinkedIn pages.

– Matched Audiences: Use LinkedIn’s Matched Audiences feature (https://business.linkedin.com/marketing-solutions/ad-targeting/matched-audiences) to target website visitors, account lists, or contact lists.

LinkedIn allows combining multiple targeting criteria for a precise audience, but be careful not to narrow your audience excessively, as it could limit ad visibility and performance.

3. LinkedIn Ad Formats: Choose the Right Ad Type for Your Campaign

LinkedIn offers a variety of ad formats to cater to different objectives and content types. Explore the following ad options to determine the best fit for your campaign:

– Sponsored Content: Promote your organic page posts in the user’s news feed, reaching a larger audience by adding a budget. Sponsored Content can be single image ads, video ads, or carousel ads.

– Message Ads: Engage users through personalised messages sent directly to their LinkedIn inboxes, ideal for lead generation or event promotion.

– Dynamic Ads: Automatically personalise ads based on user data, such as their profile photo, company name, or job title.

– Text Ads: Display a brief ad on the right-hand side of the user’s news feed, consisting of a headline, description, and small image. These ads are similar to Google Ads and are billed on a pay-per-click or cost-per-impression basis.

– Conversation Ads: Use these to interact with users through a series of messages and CTA buttons, building a more interactive experience and guiding users through a personalised journey.

Choose the ad format most suitable for your marketing objectives, message, and audience preferences.

4. Budgeting, Bidding, and Scheduling: Balance Cost and Performance

LinkedIn’s advertising platform follows an auction system, requiring advertisers to set maximum bids for their ads. Ads vie for a position in the user’s feed, with higher bids often winning more prominent placements. Manage your campaign efficiently by considering the following budgeting and bidding strategies:

– Set a daily or campaign budget to control ad spending and ensure a consistent ad presence.

– Choose between cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-impression (CPM) bidding, depending on your campaign goals. CPC is ideal for campaigns focused on website visits or conversions, while CPM works well for brand awareness or engagement.

– Utilise bid suggestions or LinkedIn’s own optimisation features, such as automated bidding or maximum delivery, to balance cost and ad performance.

– Schedule your ads to run during specific timeframes or days of the week, optimising for periods when your target audience is most active on LinkedIn.

5. Analyse and Optimise for Maximum ROI

Continuously monitor your campaign performance, making necessary adjustments to targeting, ad creative, or bidding strategies to enhance results:

– Track key performance metrics such as impressions, clicks, click-through rates, and conversions, ensuring your campaign is meeting or exceeding expectations.

– Use LinkedIn’s demographic reporting to analyse performance by audience segment, refining your targeting or creative approach accordingly.

– Test different ad variations, including headlines, images, and CTA buttons, to identify which combinations yield the best performance.

– Set up conversion tracking for website conversions or lead generation campaigns to measure ROI and campaign effectiveness accurately.

By following these guidelines, your small business can harness the power of LinkedIn Ads to reach a professional audience, drive quality engagement, and achieve meaningful results. Remember, success lies in careful planning, ongoing monitoring, and incremental optimisation.

Over to you – get building those LinkedIn Ads!

By understanding and implementing the strategies covered in this guide, you’re well on your way to reaping the rewards of LinkedIn Ads for your small business. From selecting the right objective and targeting options to choosing the appropriate ad format and optimising your campaigns, each step contributes to an impactful LinkedIn Ads strategy that drives growth and success.

Need a hand? We can help you build LinkedIn ads campaigns that get results.

As an experienced Bristol PPC agency, Fan The Flames Marketing & Design has years of experience in optimising LinkedIn Ads campaigns for maximum visibility, engagement, and return on investment. Our team of experts is committed to providing the best guidance, support, and services tailored for your specific needs.
Ready to transform your small business marketing strategy with a high-performing LinkedIn Ads campaign? Contact our team today to get started and achieve the growth your business deserves with our expert paid ads services

How to connect your Instagram and Facebook account in

How to connect your Instagram and Facebook account in 2024


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to link your Instagram and Facebook accounts – updated for 2024 as Meta Business Suite changes fast!

Whether you’re a small business owner, a marketer, or just someone looking to streamline your social media presence, connecting your Instagram and Facebook accounts can be incredibly helpful. Having said that, it’s not always clear to see exactly how to do that, which is why we created this quick guide!

From easy content sharing to unified messaging and powerful insights, this integration simplifies your social media management and enhances your online marketing strategies.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of linking your accounts, whether you’re using a personal profile, a business page, or managing multiple accounts for your brand. Our easy-to-follow instructions will ensure that you can seamlessly connect your social platforms, allowing you to focus more on creating engaging content and less on the logistics of managing separate accounts.

Stay ahead in the digital world by mastering the art of social media integration. Let’s dive in and explore how linking your Instagram and Facebook accounts can transform your online presence and marketing efforts.

As of 2024, there are multiple ways to connect your Instagram and Facebook accounts, and the steps may vary slightly depending on your preference and the interface you are using. Here are the general methods:

Linking from Facebook Page:

  1. Log into your Facebook account in your browser.
  2. Navigate to your page, go to ‘Manage Page’ and then ‘Settings’ in the menu on the left.
  3. Find and click on ‘Linked Accounts’ at the bottom left.
  4. Select ‘Instagram’ on the next screen.
  5. A new window will open prompting you to connect to your Instagram account. Click the blue button that says ‘Connect’.
  6. Log in with your Instagram credentials.
  7. Once logged in, you will go back to Facebook. Select ‘Allow access to Instagram messages in inbox’ and click ‘Confirm’.
  8. Your Instagram and Facebook business pages are now connected directly from your Facebook page​.

Linking through Meta Business Suite or Business Manager:

  1. Log into Meta Business Suite or Business Manager.
  2. Ensure the correct business is selected on the left menu.
  3. Click on ‘Settings’ in the bottom left-hand corner.
  4. Select ‘Business Assets’.
  5. Choose ‘Add Assets’ and select ‘Instagram Account’.
  6. Log in to your Instagram account.
  7. You will be redirected back to Facebook, where your Instagram account is now added​​​​.

Linking from Instagram Account:

  1. Log into your Instagram account and go to your profile.
  2. Tap on ‘Edit Profile’.
  3. Under ‘Public business information’, click on ‘Page’.
  4. You’ll have the option to connect to an existing Facebook page or create a new one. Tap ‘Continue’.
  5. Log in using your Facebook credentials. This will automatically link the page with your Instagram account​​​​.

Remember, you should have a Business Instagram account to link them this way, and you must be the admin of the Facebook page you want to link. These steps are effective to help you connect your Instagram and Facebook accounts for managing content and insights across both platforms, running ads, and leveraging the benefits of Instagram Shopping and custom geotags.

Looking for help growing your social media profiles or managing your social media? Our team of social media strategists are here to help!

KPI Learn Header

What is a KPI, and what stats should I track to measure the success of my digital marketing campaigns?

What is a KPI, and what stats should I track to measure the success of my digital marketing campaigns?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are essential metrics used by small business owners to measure the success of their digital marketing campaigns. KPIs allow businesses to evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and make informed decisions on how to optimise future campaigns.

In this article, we will discuss what a KPI is, the types of KPIs small business owners should measure for their digital marketing, and how to use KPIs to inform and optimise future campaigns.


KPI Learn Header


What is a KPI?

A KPI is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a business is achieving its key objectives.

They are often used to track progress towards a specific goal, such as increasing website traffic, generating leads, or improving social media engagement. By tracking and measuring KPIs, small business owners can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their digital marketing efforts.


Types of KPIs for Digital Marketing

Small business owners should measure a variety of KPIs to evaluate the success of their digital marketing efforts. And here are some examples of KPIs that can be used for social media and paid ads:

  1. Impressions: Impressions refer to the number of times your social media content or ad is displayed to users. This KPI can help you understand how many people are seeing your content and how frequently.
  2. Reach: Reach refers to the number of unique users who have seen your social media content or ad. This KPI can help you understand how many people are being exposed to your content.
  3. Engagement: Engagement refers to the level of interaction users have with your social media content or ad. This can include likes, comments, shares, or clicks. This KPI can help you understand how your audience is responding to your content and how engaged they are with your brand.
  4. Conversion Rate: Conversion rate refers to the percentage of users who complete a desired action. Examples include making a purchase or filling out a form, after clicking on your ad. This KPI can help you understand how effective your paid ads are at driving conversions.
  5. Cost per Click (CPC): CPC refers to the amount of money you are paying for each click on your paid ad. As a result of tracking this, you understand how cost-effective your ad campaigns are.


Using KPIs to Inform and Optimise Future Campaigns

Once you have measured your KPIs, it is essential to use them to inform and optimise future campaigns. So you can get started, here are some ways to use KPIs to improve digital marketing efforts:

  1. Identify areas for improvement: By tracking KPIs, you can identify areas where your digital marketing efforts are falling short. For example, if your engagement rate is low, you may need to re-evaluate your content strategy.
  2. Set goals: Use KPIs to set specific goals for your digital marketing campaigns. For example, if your conversion rate is low, set a goal to improve it by a certain percentage in the next quarter.
  3. Test and refine: Use KPIs to test and refine your digital marketing campaigns. For example, if your CPC is high, test different ad varients or targeting options to improve the CPC.
  4. Make data-driven decisions: Use KPIs to make data-driven decisions about your digital marketing strategy. For example, if your reach is low, consider investing in paid social media advertising to expand your audience.


KPIs are essential metrics for small business owners to measure the success of their digital marketing campaigns. As a result of tracking and measuring KPIs, businesses can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. This in turn helps us make informed decisions on how to optimise future campaigns. 

By understanding the types of KPIs that are most relevant to social media and paid ads, small businesses can save money, time and produce better results from their marketing efforts.

Want to find out more, or get some expert help with building your social media following, social media management, or hashtag strategy?

Send us a WhatsApp message on 07747740760 or email eve@fantheflames.co.uk and we’d be happy to help! And if you’d like to get some expert help or talk more about how I can help your business grow, feel free to book in for a quick virtual coffee with me HERE.


What size graphics should I use on the different social media platforms?

What size graphics should I use on the different social media platforms?


What is a hashtag?

A hashtag is a word or phrase starting with a ‘#’ symbol, that you add to the end of your post on social media. This is to categorise the post with what topics or areas you’re covering, so people can easily find the content they’re interested in.

When someone clicks on a particular hashtag, all posts within that same category will appear in their feed. You can also search for hashtags by going onto social media platforms such as Facebook for example, and typing them into the search bar at the top of the page.

Why should you use hashtags in your social media posts?

It’s important to use hashtags in your social media posts as it helps other people find and interact with you – it gives your posts greater reach, and gets the posts seen by people interested in the topics you’re talking about. This is a great way for brands to advertise, or just spread information about their products or services. In order to get the most out of using a hashtag, make sure they’re specific enough so readers can easily identify what kind of content they’re clicking on!

What will you get out of it?

The most obvious benefit of using hashtags is that they can connect you with new people who might share your interests or offer support in an area where you need it. As a business owner, if you use hashtags well, this means getting your posts in front of more of your ideal clients, and if you have a social media manager, they should be all over this!

How do I find trending hashtags?

There are a number of different ways to find trending hashtags, for use of your social media channels such as Twitter and Instagram. You can also use tools like Hashtagify or Keyhole that will show you which hashtags have the most volume over time, and which ones are growing in popularity.

How do I create my own hashtag?

To create your own hashtag for an event or campaign, first think about what it is you want people to be able to search for in order to join in with your conversation. Keep it short – ideally just one word! Once you’ve chosen this unique identifier, go onto either Facebook’s Search Bar (for broad topics) or Google Trends (to see what other popular campaigns are emerging).

What are some good examples?

Some popular hashtags are #grateful (used when someone wants to talk about something that has made them happy recently) and #riskybusiness (a tag used by entrepreneurs who have taken risks). Good luck trying these out!

Want to find out more, or get some expert help with building your social media following, social media management, or hashtag strategy?
  • Send us a WhatsApp message on 07747740760 or email eve@fantheflames.co.uk and we’d be happy to help!

  • And if you’d like to get some expert help or talk more about how I can help your business grow, feel free to book in for a quick virtual coffee with me HERE.

What is a hashtag, and how can I use them to improve grow my social media presence?

What is a hashtag, and how can I use them to improve grow my social media presence?


What is a hashtag?

A hashtag is a word or phrase starting with a ‘#’ symbol, that you add to the end of your post on social media. This is to categorise the post with what topics or areas you’re covering, so people can easily find the content they’re interested in.

When someone clicks on a particular hashtag, all posts within that same category will appear in their feed. You can also search for hashtags by going onto social media platforms such as Facebook for example, and typing them into the search bar at the top of the page.

Why should you use hashtags in your social media posts?

It’s important to use hashtags in your social media posts as it helps other people find and interact with you – it gives your posts greater reach, and gets the posts seen by people interested in the topics you’re talking about. This is a great way for brands to advertise, or just spread information about their products or services. In order to get the most out of using a hashtag, make sure they’re specific enough so readers can easily identify what kind of content they’re clicking on!

What will you get out of it?

The most obvious benefit of using hashtags is that they can connect you with new people who might share your interests or offer support in an area where you need it. As a business owner, if you use hashtags well, this means getting your posts in front of more of your ideal clients, and if you have a social media manager, they should be all over this!

How do I find trending hashtags?

There are a number of different ways to find trending hashtags, for use of your social media channels such as Twitter and Instagram. You can also use tools like Hashtagify or Keyhole that will show you which hashtags have the most volume over time, and which ones are growing in popularity.

How do I create my own hashtag?

To create your own hashtag for an event or campaign, first think about what it is you want people to be able to search for in order to join in with your conversation. Keep it short – ideally just one word! Once you’ve chosen this unique identifier, go onto either Facebook’s Search Bar (for broad topics) or Google Trends (to see what other popular campaigns are emerging).

What are some good examples?

Some popular hashtags are #grateful (used when someone wants to talk about something that has made them happy recently) and #riskybusiness (a tag used by entrepreneurs who have taken risks). Good luck trying these out!

Want to find out more, or get some expert help with building your social media following, social media management, or hashtag strategy?
  • Send us a WhatsApp message on 07747740760 or email eve@fantheflames.co.uk and we’d be happy to help!

  • And if you’d like to get some expert help or talk more about how I can help your business grow, feel free to book in for a quick virtual coffee with me HERE.

How can I generate leads using Instagram?

How can I generate leads using Instagram?

Social media offers an amazing opportunity for your to connect to your ideal clients and market your business. But with each social media channel, there are different tools available, and different algorithms, so it’s important to pick the right platform and use it right if you want your time online to be worth it for your business! 

So why pick Instagram to promote your business, you might ask? Well, there are over a billion monthly active users on Instagram, and 500 million of those users are active daily. That’s a pretty big pool of potential customers for your business to tap into! 

And it’s not just the sheer number of users that makes Instagram so attractive for businesses – it’s also the platform’s engagement rate. Engagement on Instagram is 10 times higher than Facebook and 84 times higher than Twitter. In other words, people are way more likely to like, comment on, or share your posts if you post them on Instagram. 

So if you want to reach more people and get them excited about your product or service, you need to be on Instagram!

Make sure you use a CTA (call to action) in your Instagram posts

You should use call to actions in Instagram posts because they can help increase your engagement rates. Calls to action (e.g., “click the link in my bio to learn more”) tell your followers what you want them to do, and when you make it easy for them to do what you want, they’re more likely to follow through.

Calls to action are also a great way to drive traffic from Instagram to your website or other online properties. And finally, calls to action can help increase sales or leads generated from your Instagram account. So if you’re not using them already, start using them today and see how they can help improve your results!

Use competitions to grow your following and mailing list

Another great way to use Instagram to grow your business and generate leads is to run contests or giveaways. Encourage followers to share their own photos or videos using your product for a chance to win a free prize. This is a great way to generate excitement and engagement among your followers.

There are also a few different ways you can use competitions on Instagram to grow your mailing list. One option is to require people to enter by following your account and then providing their email address in the comments of the contest post.

You might also consider having people enter by tagging two friends in the comments of the contest post. This will help you grow your follower count, and introduce those people and their audience to what you do as a business.

Finally, you could also ask people to sign up for your mailing list directly on your website in order to enter the contest. This way, not only do you grow your all-important mailing list, but once they’re on your website, they’ll also see all the great things your business does.

Message the people who engage with your posts

Now that you’ve shown them the great things you do, it’s time to convert those engaging with your posts to buyers of your services. 

Be gentle though – people don’t generally appreciate being directly ‘sold at’ on social media, so make sure you make your messaging individual, friendly, and make sure there’s something in it for them!

There are a few ways you can approach this. You could DM (direct message) followers who are in your target market, or just those who have recently engaged with your content. You could also run ads targeting people who have already interacted with your business on Instagram.

Whatever route you choose, make sure the messaging is relevant and valuable to recipients. Offer them something of value, like an exclusive discount or a free consultation, in exchange for their contact information. And be sure to follow up promptly once you have their information!

Promote your business with Instagram Stories

Instagram stories are a feature on Instagram that lets users share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours.

Instagram stories can be viewed by all of your followers, or just by the people who follow you specifically. They can also be viewed as a list on the side of your main feed, or as a featured story at the top of your profile.

To create an Instagram story, just swipe left from your main feed to open the stories camera. You can take a photo or video, or choose one from your camera roll. You can then add text, stickers, filters, and more before posting it to your story.

There is no denying that stories on Instagram are one of the hottest features right now. And there is a good reason for it! Stories allow you to share moments from your day-to-day life in a way that feels more personal and relatable than traditional photos and videos. 

But beyond just being “trendy,” using stories can actually be a powerful tool for building your brand and connecting with your audience.

One great way to use stories to promote your business on Instagram is to give followers a behind-the-scenes look at what you’re working on. Show them pictures and videos of your team hard at work, new products being tested, or exclusive discounts that they can only get if they follow your story.

Another great way to use stories is to run contests or giveaways. Encourage followers to share their own photos or videos using your product for a chance to win a free prize. This is a great way to generate excitement and engagement among your followers.

And don’t forget to add links, stickers, and polls to your stories – something you can’t do in Instagram posts!

Tell your business’s story with Instagram Reels

Few platforms can rival Instagram when it comes to building a strong visual brand identity. And one of the most powerful ways to leverage that identity is through Instagram Reels.

For those who don’t know, Reels are short-form videos, usually set to music that you can post on your feed or in your Stories. They’re similar to TikToks, but with a distinctly Instagram feel. 

And while they may seem like just another fun way to consume content, Reels actually have a ton of potential for businesses.

For example, let’s say you own a bakery. You could use Reels to show off your baking process, from start to finish. Or, if you’re a wedding planner, you could use Reels to give viewers a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into planning a wedding.

Generally, popular reels are punchy, creative, and visual. They often incorporate trending music or sound bites, and they always tell a story. The best reels are also relatable – they offer viewers a glimpse into someone else’s life that feels real and authentic, so though we’re using them to promote our businesses here, make sure they show the human side, and don’t be afraid to have a bit of fun with them – corporate is not the way to go here!

Of course, it’s also important to keep your audience, or ideal client in mind when creating a reel. What type of content will they respond to? What will resonate with them? Keeping your finger on the pulse of what your followers want to see, and you’ll find Reels can be a great opportunity to build trust and pre-sell your products and services so that by the time you speak to your followers, they’re already fans of what you do so more likely to buy from you than a competitor.

Want to find out more, or get some expert help with building your Instagram following, social media management, or lead generation?
  • Send us a WhatsApp message on 07747740760 or email eve@fantheflames.co.uk and we’d be happy to help!

  • And if you’d like to get some expert help or talk more about how I can help your business grow, feel free to book in for a quick virtual coffee with me HERE.

How can you monitor your website’s position on the search engines (SEO ranking)?

How can you monitor your website’s position on the search engines (SEO ranking)?

Search Ranking

SEO monitoring tools allow you to track your website’s position on the search engines (SERP) for specific keywords. There are both free and paid tools available, but the most popular and accurate ones are paid.

The two most important factors in determining your website’s SEO position are the number of links pointing to your site, and the quality of those links. Other factors include the age of your domain name, the content on your site, and how frequently you update that content.

There are also various on-page Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) factors that may be impacting your visibility. These might include the speed at which your website loads, your meta-tags and descriptions, and proper header formatting.

Search Engine Optimisation is a long-term marketing strategy, which you can have amazing results for helping you grow your business, but as you might typically expect to achieve a high SEO ranking up to six months after starting work on your SEO, it’s not a cheap ‘quick fix’. So it’s important that if you choose to invest in support for your SEO, you have the right tools in place to monitor the success of the campaign and make sure you’re getting your money’s worth!

What are the best free SEO monitoring tools?

There are a number of great free SEO monitoring tools out there. Here are some of our favorites:

1. Moz’s Open Site Explorer – This is a great tool for checking the backlinks and anchor text of any website.

2. Google’s Search Console – This tool provides tons of information on your website’s search visibility and traffic.

3. Ahrefs’ Site Explorer – This tool offers insights into a website’s organic search traffic, referring domains, and top pages.

4. SEMrush’s Free SEO Tools – This suite of tools includes a backlink checker, position tracker, and keyword research tool.

What are the best paid SEO monitoring tools?

The best paid SEO monitoring tools are ones that offer a comprehensive and holistic view of your website’s search engine performance. They should help you identify opportunities for improvement, track your progress over time, and troubleshoot any potential issues.

Some of the most popular paid SEO monitoring tools include Moz Pro, Ahrefs, Searchmetrics Essentials, and Raven Tools. All of these tools offer different features and cater to different needs, so it’s important to do your research to find the tool that best suits your individual business requirements.

Want to find out more, or get some expert help with your SEO?
  • Send us a WhatsApp message on 07747740760 or email eve@fantheflames.co.uk and we’d be happy to help!

  • And if you’d like to get some expert help or talk more about how I can help your business grow, feel free to book in for a quick virtual coffee with me HERE.

What does PPC mean?

What does PPC mean?

PPC stands for “pay-per-click”, a model of online advertising where advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. It’s one of the most common forms of online advertising, and it’s used by businesses of all sizes to promote their products and services.

Essentially, it means that you are buying traffic to your website, link, or other target, and you bid to get that traffic against other advertisers.

PPC is also known as Cost-Per-Click (CPC) advertising, because advertisers only pay when someone clicks on their ad. This makes it an extremely effective way to reach potential customers, because you’re only paying for ads that are actually generating traffic and leads. And since you can control how much you spend on PPC ads, it’s a very affordable way to advertise your business online.

Often, however, the term is used to denote paid ads of other types, where the bidding strategy isn’t simply buying traffic. Other conversion targets that you might aim for with paid ads include getting a potential client to send your business a message, register for a lead magnet, or sign up for a webinar. In these cases, you might optimise the ads not to charge per click, but for other conversion events.

What are the most common types of PPC advertising?

There are a few different types of PPC advertising. The most common are:

1. Search engine advertising (Google Ads, Bing Ads) 

2. Social media advertising (Facebook/Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads) 

3. Display advertising (banners, skyscrapers, pop-ups) 

4. Contextual advertising (text ads placed alongside relevant editorial content) 

5. Mobile advertising

Why should you use paid ads for your business?

There are many reasons why you should use paid ads for your business. Paid ads can help you reach a new audience, grow your brand awareness, and boost your sales.

Paid advertising is an effective way to reach more people who might be interested in your product or services. By targeting your paid ads to specific people based that are likely to be your perfect clients, based on their interests and demographics, you can ensure that your message reaches the right people. As a result, you can see a significant increase in sales and ROI, and generate a stead stream of leads for your business.

Additionally, using paid ads can help grow your brand awareness. When potential customers see your ad multiple times, they’re more likely to remember who you are and what you offer. This increased brand awareness can lead to more customers doing business with you, and accelerate your growth far more quickly than organic marketing strategies alone.

Want to find out more, or get some expert help with your Google ads, Facebook/Instagram ads, LinkedIn ads, or SEO?
  • Send us a WhatsApp message on 07747740760 or email eve@fantheflames.co.uk and we’d be happy to help!

  • And if you’d like to get some expert help or talk more about how I can help your business grow, feel free to book in for a quick virtual coffee with me HERE.

What is a personal brand and where should I use it instead of my business brand?

What is a personal brand and where should I use it instead of my business brand?

There are pros and cons to both personal and business branding. It really depends on your goals, audience, and platform. In general, a personal brand can be used when an individual wants to build their own name and reputation, while a business brand is more commonly used by companies that want to create a stronger identity and presence in the market. 

Another factor to consider is how well you want to differentiate yourself from your competitors. If you are in a very competitive industry, such as business, lifestyle, or health coaching, then using a personal brand may be the best way to set yourself apart from the rest of the pack.

If you’re trying to build a personal brand, then you’ll want to focus on creating content that is authentic and engaging. This can be anything from a blog post to an Instagram photo. The important thing is that it shows who you are as a person and provides value to your audience.

Some advantages of a personal brand

1) A personal brand is more authentic and relatable.

People are more likely to trust and connect with a person than a faceless corporation. When you build a personal brand, you’re putting a human face on your business, which can make customers feel more comfortable doing business with you. 

2) A personal brand is more adaptable.

A personal brand can be adapted to different situations much more easily than a corporate identity. 

3) People remember, and want to do business with people.

Most business decisions come down to trust, and at the end of the day, whether it’s hiring a social media manger or choosing a cafe, the majority of people would rather opt for giving their money to people they like and support. So work on building that personal relationship, and let them get to know you!

Social media is a great place to do this. And while we’re not saying your business shouldn’t have social channels – they should – online platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn are great places to build a personal brand for the face of your company too. Social media accounts for personal brands actually usually get better followings, so worth bearing in mind!

Examples of professionals personal brands are great for

  • – Coaches (whether you’re a business coach, executive coach, health coach, or fitness coach – building your personal brand is essential)
  • – Experts
  • – Podcasters
  • – Trainers and speakers
  • – Artists and activists
  • Where business branding gets the edge

    If you only look like a one-man-show, in some sectors, this doesn’t help your credibility. Bigger businesses with an established set of services and a team to support are generally selected for bigger contracts and by trusted by certain sectors, so there are definitely some advantages of building a business brand too – in fact, our advice is always to do both, and utilise each to their advantages.

    Another major factor, is that having a business brand reduces the expectation that everything will be done by you. This helps to leave it open for a skilled team to deliver different aspects of your projects, without every last thing coming back to you to manage and respond to. That also helps when it comes to managing your workload, and separating your work and personal life!

    Personal brands are also hard to sell, so if you’re aiming to sell your business one day in the future, you need to make sure it’s known for more than your expertise.

    If you’re trying to build a business brand, then you’ll want to focus on creating a strong visual identity and building trust with your audience. This means having a professional website, using social media effectively, and creating helpful content that solves your customer’s problems. No matter which route you choose, remember that consistency

    Want to find out more, or get some expert help with your branding, social media, or marketing? 

    Send us a WhatsApp message on 07747740760 or email eve@fantheflames.co.uk and we’d be happy to help! And if you’d like to get some expert help or talk more about how I can help your business grow, feel free to book in for a quick virtual coffee with me HERE.

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